New Year – Right Direction

December 30, 2018
Brother Brennan Ayers and Brother Tim Rose together provide a heartfelt message of power and direction for Brookside Church in the new year. It is both challenging and empowering for…

Christmas Lessons

December 23, 2018
Pastor Kevin Reich shows us 6 lessons from the Christmas story that we can and should apply to our lives every day.


December 9, 2018
Pastor Kevin's message about how we should put off the "Old Man" - the things that make us "ugly" on the inside, and to put on the "New Man", the…

Region – Part 4

December 2, 2018
Pastor Kevin's final message in the Region series. Pastor challenges us to represent the Kingdom in all we do, as individuals and as a body of believers, to those around…

In Everything

November 25, 2018
Pastor Kevin challenges us to develop a heart of thankfulness in all that we do. He shows us how it can affect all areas of our lives and how it…

Region – Part 3

November 18, 2018
Pastor Kevin continues his series on "Region." This week he reminds us of Christ's call to all the Church to be disciples, to carry the Good News to all nations,…
Pastor Kevin continues his series on "Region" - This week he discusses Brookside's core values within this community and how God wants to change us to be a regional church.


November 4, 2018
Pastor Kevin preaches a heartfelt message to Brookside about our role as a regional church to seek and to save the lost. He gives commands from Scripture, encouragements and practical…

Just Keep Digging

October 28, 2018
Pastor Kevin beautifully illustrates the parallels between Isaac's faith in God's promises during a difficult time of famine, distress, and fear with our walk with God today. No matter how…

The Worship Lifestyle

October 21, 2018
Pastor Kevin breaks down what true worship looks like from a Biblical perspective. There are many commands to worship, and even more ways to express worship, but what does the…